Tuesday, November 10, 2020







In the beginning consciousness of self began, for without consciousness nothing exists.

"If nothing exists then nothing exists, it exists beyond our consciousness. ".

The human race is limited by its perceptions of reality and walks this Earth unaware of the many other realities around them. 

Life exists beyond man's five senses with these lifeforms sharing the same Space and Time.

The known and unknown universe is multidimensional .

In each dimension time runs separately to each other, for like the speed of Light nothing is constant.

Gravity fields flow like waves on a cosmic ocean and regulate the movement of all. 

Like fish in a fishbowl we swim around in circles whilst looking out into the vast unknown.

Many, many lifetimes are needed to fathom the vastness of creation and no man has come close to understanding the purpose and meaning of it all.

One lifetime is Not enough time to understand the Meaning of Life and yet many fail to even search for an answer.


In the beginning only Dark Matter existed in the non Milky Way region of the Universe. Even in the 21st Century, the known Universe is composed of 96 percent Dark Matter. 

"Within the darkness Light will give birth to new civilizations throughout the Universe as the river of Life flows downstream. Into an ocean of yesterday's, today and tomorrow we sail.
Unchartered journeys into the unknown shall reveal world's within world's and realities beyond comprehension. "
Beyond the perceptions of our senses there exists an infinite number of invisible worlds and dimensions. The universe is teeming with life and yet many fail to see the beauty of creation around them. 

12.5 billion years ago, a voice declared Let there be Light and the region exploded into world's of Light. The Sun's of God lit up the heavens and the 4 seasons on Earth were created. 

Civilizations within other galaxies came to explore the new Milky Way galaxy and decided to terraform a numbers of planets including Earth. 

Many planets in our Solar System are still inhabited today by various lifeforms, which the government's of Earth fail to acknowledge. ( One of the many lies we have been fed).

The first homosapiens were created by the Annunaki some 250,000 years ago .

A settlement site was chosen and a Garden of Eden was established. Food crops and animals were created through genetic engineering from their own genetic library. 

The Garden was enclosed in a huge domed structure and environmentally controlled. Like a humidcrib, a nursey for the creation of Adam and Eve was prepared. 

The Annunaki took the cells of the local primitive man and after genetically altering the DNA implanted the cells into both a female human and a female Annunaki. Two new lifeforms were created and when these creations became old enough to reproduce, further hybrids were created.

In the biblical version of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden one reads of a "talking snake" who tempts them to eat the forbidden fruit. " is the writer trying to take the hiss?".

Many have suggested that it wasn't the Apple on the tree that was the concern but instead it was the pear/pair on the ground.?

This process was then undertaken by a number of visiting alien civilizations from outside this galaxy. 

All 12 of them created hybrids of the original Annunaki creations in various locations around mother Earth. The 12 tribes are the result.

 Earth was populated by these 12 alien civilizations that existed from outside our milky way galaxy.

A dozen Adam and Eves were created , all containing a different genetic variation. 

The human race of the 21st century is a cocktail of alien genes and its no wonder why we can't get along and live in peace .

Earthlings have become the monster of inbreeding and genetic pollution, the original genetic hybrid has become extinct.

In many cases, black man is no longer black and white man is no longer white. Perhaps we all have become 50 shades of grey?


Our individual belief systems determine our actions and reactions.
Our beliefs are based on our religious upbringing and memories based on events that support the teachings.

"If God didn't exist then mankind would find the need to create one".

What you believe , so you create.

Perhaps your God is the one and only true God or perhaps the plural applies GODS.

Most religious teachings today are based on writings that are thousands of years old. Most of their stories are irrevelant in the 21st Century.

"Perhaps a Reformations of all religions is required?".

Like the human species, the religious teaching must change and evolve. 

Life changes over time and mankind needs to change for the time it lives in.
Over time our belief systems fluctuate and change the course of our journey. 

"Its such a shame that often true wisdom only comes in our Sunset Years."

I now speak to you from my wilderness in a year of discontent. 
I may not agree with what you believe but I defend your right to believe it.
"Should I judge you then I must be prepared to be judged".

Many choose to walk the road less travelled and are enlightened by their journey. 

Many choose Spirituality over conventional religious teachings and often discover that many paths lead to God or nivarna. 

" How one arrives at one's destination is Not important but that you do arrive is".


Many believe that when one dies they either ascend to Heaven or descend to Hell. 
The truth is that humans create their own Heaven and Hell during their lifetime.

Sometimes events in one's life can be the result of karmic debt.

"What seeds we sow,   so we reap".

Karmic debt can carry over from one's prior incarnation.

"If only sinless people ascend to Heaven then the place must resemble a ghost town".

"Who would sincerely want to go to a place without any sex, drugs and rock n roll?".

I have no desire to spend an eternity contemplating the greatness of God.

Life is meant to be lived and experienced ; to taste a smorgasboard of sensual pleasures. 


I once had a dream or is it a memory " where I died and descended down these stairs into the bowels of the Earth. I came upon this place lit up in neon called Hell in Paradise and rang the bell. 

Within seconds the door opened and there stood this hunky young dude dressed totally in red.

"Hi, I'm your host and my name SA TAN. Come in and let me know your desires and pleasures".

I was consumed by his charm and his oozing sexuality but felt that if I turned my back on him that he would screw me every which way but loose.
Deception was Sa Tans favourte game and he loved to cheat and deceive all those he met.

We chatted for some time over a few wild turkeys and a couple of joints and he was an excellent host.
He was open-minded, knowledgeable, thought provoking, funny and strangely sexually attractive. 

He said that some years ago he led Jesus into temptation in the Garden of Getsomeinme.
 During their encounter, he said Jesus told him "get ye behind me Satan", 3 times during the evening.

I was shocked by his revelations and yet know that often the truth is stranger than fiction.

He said Jesus often swapped clothes with his girlfriend Mary and the disciples couldn't tell them apart.
Jesus in fact was a CROSSDRESSER in more ways than just one.

SATAN said that his favourite act of deciete was to play SANTA CLAUSE at Christmas.

" Enough of this blasphemy" I yelled and Sa Tan replied " it was a blast for me too".
Dreams and memories lay entwined in my brain and it has become impossible to decide what is real or 


What I write are just fragments of the esoteric world I live in and my perceptions of my reality. 

I'm a Single man in retirement and I'm just "watching the wheels go round" and living "one day at a time".

Each day unfolds into the next and time passes by unnoticed. Old habbits are fading away such as drinking, smoking and gambling. 
The way things are going I could die healthy.

I try to eat healthy foods, drink herbal teas and get plenty of rest.  
Being single is a real blessing as I get to live my life the way I want to.

I'm now just a voice in the wilderness and my sound grows quieter by the moment. 


Man has always sought stimulants that alter one's state of consciousness. For thousands of years many cultures have celebrated rituals that involved the consumption of such drugs as peyote and magic mushrooms.

Many such cultures believe that the drugs open portals to their gods and other worlds.

Having explored such hullucingenics myself many years ago I too discovered these unseen worlds. 
By changing one's state of awareness the doors of perception fling open and multidimensional worlds become visable. 

Not only is the Earth multidimensional but so is the Universe.

Tabacco and alcahol are the two most harmful drugs on the planet and yet they remain legal. 
Canabis , a much safer alternative still remains illegal in many countries. Tobacco kills over 200 million every year , whilst alcahol kills or destroys the life's of many more. 
Earth is inhabited by a race of addicts and junkies , for without our desired drugs of choice life would be bland. 

Life can be a real drag at times and the need to alter our state of consciousness becomes a survival instinct.
Self medicating helps dealing with anxiety and stress , which can evolve into mental health issues.

Some one is buying politicians to keep the status quo and keep the drug market in the hands of criminals.
But then again ain't "politicians just legalised criminals?".


In the modern world Genetically Modified Food has begun deconstructing man's DNA and is slowly de-evolving the species.

Mankind has polluted this world, the air presently unfit to breathe and the water poisonous.


Each New Years Eve many countries pump millions of tons of carcogenic chemicals into the atmosphere during their fireworks displays. These chemicals contain cancer causing agents that are also linked to brain tumours. 
Stop this dangerous practice now and help Mother Earth breathe again.
Firework displays MUST be banned globally, for its environmental terrorism.

If we are not careful in 2021, then I predict that covid20 and covid21 will invade our world. I predict many virus variants will threaten our existence for the next 4 years.


The food we consume is contaminated with additives and preservatives and unfit to even feed to pigs. Our supermarkets are killing many with their poisonous products and the fat are getting fatter. Much of the food is GM (genetically modified) which are low in nutrients and vitamins. It's got to the stage where fat people are starving to death.
Most of the animals where we get our meat from have been fed hormone cocktails to boost their size. Our food has been poisoned and we are genetically de-e
volving. "Are we becoming the sterile lifeless food we eat?".

Diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, dementia, Parkinson's and brain tumours are all on the increase due to the above reasons.


Modern technology such as smart phones swamp our minds and bodies with electromagnetic beams and pulses. The coming of 5G will result in an overload that will kill many of the dumb users. 

All of our senses are overloaded with chemical and electronic data that is polluting and changing man's biological clock.
Man now works 24/7 and his natural biological clock is turning backwards.

Daytime is for toiling and nighttime for sleep.
Whilst the wheels of capitalism turn man enslaves himself to the pursuit of money. 


The Mental Health of humanity in 2020 due to Lockdowns because of the global corona virus has increased.
 Anxiety and stress has sent many into a state of depression.
Many have lost their jobs and face a uncertain future.
Substance abuse and domestic violence cases have skyrocketed. 
Lives has been turned upside down and desperation has become a global way. The world has gone insane.


2021 will be a Year of Social Unrest due to the level of anxiety within the collective consciousness. Failing vaccines will result in the loss of Hope and push many into deep states of depression.
Mental Health deaths will skyrocket.
The push for a Cashless World with many banks closing down their branches and going on line only. 
World unrest will reap havoc and society will plunge into a dark hole.
Politicians will become pawns of the Ceo's of the social media and many heads will roll.


 Alien civilizations were created billions of years before Earthlings and mankind became the new kid on the block around 250,000 years ago..

Creation of the Universe took place in stages and over billions of years.  Big Bangs happen all the time and new galaxies are born.
Billions of galaxies were created over quad trillion years , with the Milky Way galaxy being born some 12.5 billion years ago. 

As a measure of time a billion years is a blinking of an eyes.
A human life of 75 years is comparable to a nano second, over and forgotten before we realise.

The macro and the micro are reflections of each other, world's within world's saturate the cosmic universe.

Quantum world's within each living cell that remains conscious of its intended functions. 

Quantum entanglement suggests one existing in several places at the one time. 

"I AM here, there and Everywhere".

This world is like a grain of sand upon the foreshore of galaxial dunes. Humans are a Spec of Dust in the dusty halls of time and space.


Before we are born we live within our mother's womb, our cells divide and multiply, each cell conscious of it place and purpose. Over nine months we developed into a baby human being.

In total darkness we are formed, none of our 5 senses have been activated. 
We live and yet we are not born into consciousness.

So out of the darkness we are born into the world of Light.


As a newborn we first become aware of the Light and brightness all around us followed by an awareness of a temperature change.
The sense of smell and touch slowly evolve and sight is the last of the senses to develope.

It is only when we take our first breath that our senses are activated and we become conscious of our environment and existence
We exist before we are born and we shall exist after we die.

"Perhaps the Dark Matter within the Universe is an invisible incubator for world's of Light to be born?"

"So where does life begin and does it really have an end?"

"Life is eternal and has no beginning or end. Life has always existed for it is existence."

"What is Time if Time has always existed?".

The measure of time varies throughout the cosmos and not everywhere has 24hours to their day. In some places Time possess faster and some slower. Time is Not constant through out the Universe.
On Jupiter a day is only 9 hours 40 minutes long.

All of the above questions have answers to them and it is the duty of each of us to individually seek out these answers.

"All of the answers to life's questions can be found within". (Utaalk 2010).

From the moment we are born we are lied to by our parents, teachers , priests and government.


Firstly we are told we must worship an all seeing, all knowing invisible God. If we don't follow the teaching of the church then we will all burn in hell. 

"A god whom threatens his own creations with torture is no God of mine, he can f off".

" I say unto you "you are "God and God is you, there exist no seperation. Without one there exists no other."

You don't need no priest or guru to be your guide, your Spirit within shall light the way.

As children we are taught that God is an old white haired, white skinned old man in the sky. He watches us 24/7 and punishes us if we are naughty. 
We are taught to fear God and yet expected to love him regardless how bad he treats us.

"How can a loving God be so cruel?".


ME " GOD how does it feel to be billions of years old?".

GOD " to me a million year passes like 1 second".

ME "GOD how does it feel to be the richest one in the Universe?".

GOD " owning a million schekels is like having one 

ME "GOD can you spare me a schekel?".

GOD " Sure 
Son, just give me a 

I'm still waiting.


 A few years ago I heard that many prisoners found God in jail. Apparently He is doing a "Life sentence" for trying to blow up the Universe 12.5 billion years ago. ( The Big Bang )

At the time there was a territorial war raging in a sector of the Universe and God and a few of his mate's decided to act.  Known as the "Big Gang Bang" they decided to entirely destroy the area and then rebuild.

After the Big Bang God was tracked down and charged with an "act of terrorism" and sentenced to life in jail.

It's amazing the stories about where many people find God and its usually when they are facing their demons. 

Perhaps it's all just maya, an illusion and both God and one's demons are just figments of the mind.


There's an old saying " tell a lie  often and it soon becomes a truth."

FAKE NEWS has been around since Adam was a boy.

Mankind has been manipulated , brain washed and controlled by religion since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden. 

The human mind also experiences "little bangs" when new neuronic pathways are created that light up the hippy campus.

"Perhaps the human brain is a universe to itself?"
World's within world's.


Have you heard "Only through an Act of Kindness shall you enter my heart?".

It is only through kindness that you bring joy to your soul . 

It is only through kindness you bring music to the spirit.

It is only though kindness you create love in your heart.

Be kind to the life around you and life will be kind to you.

The teachings of how to live a good life are all around you for its only you that complicates its simplicity.

Find the peace within and discover the peace in your outer, external world.

How you treat life becomes how you are treated. 

Instant karma awaits every action and reacts accordingly. You can not run and hide from your own foolishness.

Become conscious of one's thoughts and actions to avoid karmic debt or you may bankrupt your own Soul. 


Your emotions are simply ENERGY IN MOTION
Awareness of ones fluctuating emotions allows one to control the flow and disiptation of this energy.

Suppressed emotions often result in both physical and mental diseases. 
Your emotions often dictate your reactions to events and effect future outcomes.

Practice Mindfullness and become conscious of your body talk. 



"If God did not exist then man would find a need to create one".

Mankind has always needed a crutch to lean on and someone to blame for their woes.
When things are going good man praises God and when things are going bad man curses God or pleads for help.

Remember after leaving The Garden man was given Free Will and became the creator of his own reality and destiny.

"When one takes responsibility for one's deeds and actions then you truly create your own reality.".

All religions contain jig saw pieces of Spiritual Truth and no religion has all the answers. 

To discover the answers to all our questions man needs to journey within. 
Only You can discover the God within, the inner voice that speaks only truth and wisdom. 

No church will be your savior , only you can save yourself from yourself.
Your deeds and actions determine the reality you face every day.

Think before you speak for words can inflict wounds on the Spirit and Soul.
Assaults of a negative nature will rebound and afflict negative karma back on you. 
Your intentions should always be honourable and pure.

RELIGION was created to prey on the weak and vulnerable and to enslave those of low intellect. 
Most of the stories found in the Bible are simply Fairy Tales for adults, mere fantasy and unproven fact. 

"Religion is the opium of the masses".


2020 years ago, in Biblical Times many male newborns were given the name Jesus and many would grow up proclaiming they were the Son of God.

Many of these insane religious fanatics were crucified by the Romans and rightfully so.

I speak of Jesus of Nazereth, a black man who loved both men and women. He formed his own cult teaching Free Love and religious expression. 

He, like myself at the time were born on the same day and time as an Alien hybrid. We were both different to the rest of humanity and were tutored by our creators.

We were the Sons of a Earthling mother and an Alien father. 

To appease the masses were declared that we were the two long awaited Messiahs foretold in the Old Testement and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The 3 Wise men taught us much esoteric knowledge and the workings of the Universe.they prepared the path before us.

We were incarnated on Earth to save man from Satan and to set up the Kingdom of God here.

Yes, God had 2 sons and had both of  them incarnated on Earth, He suspected that one of his boys may screw up the mission.
His suspicions proved correct and Jesus failed to fulfill his father's wishes.

Jesus developed mental health issue when he began believing what the dumb masses were claiming, that he was the messiah and the Son of God. 
He became dellusional and irrational, possibly from his over consumption of drugs and wine.
Drinking wine was the pathway to de-vine intervention. 
He was arrested soon after a night out at the famous Last Supper restaurant for failing to pay the huge wine bill. 

His biggest mistake was trying to overthrow the Roman occupiers. In today's world he would have been declared a terrorist.


Myself and Jesus were taught to only speak in Parables in order to baffle and confuse those listening

 . Political and Religious correctedness existed in those times and one had to be careful. Blasphemy and Treason were punishable by death.
Romans we're roaming the streets everywhere .

 " I say unto all virgins overlooked by the men in your village should you be concerned that the cock doesn't crow in your yard.?".

A few days latter, 10 virgins turned up at the front door of my compound.
I asked them "are you all not concerned about the disinterest of the men?".
The leader stepped forward and declared " we don't give a fuck".
I replied " come unto me and behold my cunning  lingus plan".
There I was in a compound with 10 virgins and the only one with a Pair of balls.

So as in years gone by, in today's world , Parables and a Pair of Balls are still applicable.

These 10 virgins were smart women and had their finger on the pulse. They paid no lip service to fools or tools. 

For our first week together I taught them the ways of my Lord and they took to the teachings like a duck to water.

In the evening I would walk down the hallway of the compound and pass past their bedrooms and hear them praising the Lord.
Room after room came praises of "oh my God, oh my God, oh my God".


When my time comes and I'm given the keys to the Pearly Gates I think I will Nick a few of the pearls and Bugger off down to Hell where all the hot action happens.
I couldn't handle being in Heaven just contemplating God and my own thoughts for an eternity.

Listening to my Inner Self 24/7 would drive me Insane. 

It's no wonder all the religious leaders on Earth are insane, they have lost the connections to all the pleasures that real life offers us all. 

REMEMBER the words you read today will be retained in your genetic memory and will resonate for generations to come.  


Email utaalkback@hotmail.com



Saturday, November 2, 2019

Santa/$atan is coming to town

Part Four.

" Santa/$atan is coming".

Satan's claws are back in town.

Well here I am back in my own time, its the 3rd November 2019.

As I sit in my studio apartment in Malabar, Sydney I begin to contemplate my journey back to the Biblical lands in the year 33AD.
Each decade of travel backwards has a price to pay, lifespan in this reality is reduced. 
So moving backwards over 200 decades can reduce this lifespan by 10years.
Time travel takes time to adjust to, what can't be done today can be done yesterday or tomorrow.

Along my travels I was enlightened to learn that the cycle of Life and Death is 150 years.
So if you live in the world of Light for 75 years, then one's will spend 75 years in the world of Dark Matter.
96 percent of our known Universe is composed of this Dark Matter.

When travelling back 2000 years I'm moving through 13 lifetimes in this world of Light and 13 lifetimes in the Dark Matter world. Each lifetime an average of 75 years.

With each incarnation one leaves a record/imprint on one's DNA templates. Memories are stored within this matrix and often surfaces in cases of De Javu.

I focus on the atoms within my body and imagine looking inside the atom and seeing its composition Various particles, electrons are rotating around a Sun nucleus at various speeds.
With my mind I am able to influence the movement of all particles and slow down or speed up time.
Now I focus on bringing about a quantum leap which alters Space and Time.
In quantum physics they speak of a reality called "Entanglement" whereby each atom in my world connects with other atoms in a different Space and Time.
I can be "Here, there and Everywhere" at the same time.

It's 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 ,4, 3, 2, 1 Blast off.
I'm cacooned inside a pod and moving faster than the speed of Light leaving all the neutrinos behind. Nano seconds pass and my body begins to shapeshift into the form of Brian of Nazereth. My hair grows longer and I become 7 kilos lighter.
Suddenly I could smell the aroma of hashish

and when I opened my eyes I was back in the land of Judea in the year 33AD.

My memory immediately kicked in and I remember spending the past 12 years travelling around with the Hippieittes and my band B C and the Disccyles". 
Always on the road, travelling from town was tough and often my love, Millie would return home to care for her ageing mother. I missed her when she wasn't there. Although I was free to share intimacy with others it didn't feel the same without my true love.

A memory of my 25th birthday came flooding in and I was alone in the Garden of Getsomeinme late in the evening.
Out of the darkness stepped a familiar form, it was Satan himself.

He was dressed in a Red and White outfit which clung to his bulging body.
With his long blond hair and his eyes of blue, he now wore a long blond beard.
He looked bulkier than the first time we met but he still looked in good shape.
He told me that he had the ability to Shapeshift and be everywhere at once. In fact, he said he was "entangled" with half the known Universe and much of the unknown universe.
His knowledge impressed me, his understanding of Time and Space was unquestionable.

He told me how he came to the rescue of Adam and Eve when they were thrown out of The garden of Eden for disobeying God.
Satan had been their Defence lawyer during the Heavenly trial and disagreed with God's judgement.
He descended to Earth and told them that "because they ate from the Tree of Knowledge they could now "think for themselves".
Adam and Eve were free to make their own choices and build a life outside the confines of The garden of Eden.

I was blown away by Satan's compassion for humans, his heart seemed to be in the right place.

He told me that from now forward he would appear to the world on the 25th December; on my birthday.
On this day he will be known as "$anta", which is an anagram for "Satan".
His colours will be Red and White.
He boasted" in the future many will worship Santa, more than Jesus".

The true meaning of Christmas will be lost and replaced by a shapeshifting Satan who celebrates all the Seven Deadly Sins.
Greed and Gluttony consumes the heathens on Earth.

Please let me introduce myself.

To be continued.

Email; utaalkback@hotmail.com

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Part 3 Lifes of Brian

Revised Edition
Nov. 2019

" Seamen on theMount ".

Living on the coast of The Sea of Galalee meant that I was surrounded by strong, hunky seamen whom were full of it. Most of them would have been a good catch, though some of them you wouldn't go overboard for. 

The Best Boy on a boat wasn't always the Best Boy on shore and life was tough for many in an all male environment.
On shore, the women that weren't married often supplemented their income by providing pleasure to the hordes of horny single seamen. 
Time was spent fishing, eating, drinking and fucking and little time was devoted to Religious or Spiritual pursuits.  Society had become decadent and pleasure and wealth had become their only objective. 

Morals and ethics were no longer being practiced throughout the land.
Around this time, the Three Wise Men turned up at my tent flap and instructed me that it was time for me to fullfil my destiny as The New Messiah and that I needed to present a Sermon to the masses. 

I informed them that I was planning a debut concert for my band "BC and the Disc-cycles " and i was looking for a suitable venue/location. 
They said they had an ideal location on-top of a nearby mountain and could assist with the catering for the crowd expected.

Within days catering was organised and the event would be catered for by The Loafs and Fishes Resturant, whom ordered in 5000 bread rolls and fish fingers.

I took my band members into the wilderness and set about rehearsal for the coming event and to take time to write my Sermon on the Mount. 

" What should I speak of?, perhaps my Father's Kingdom?".

Being the Son of God is hard work and required some deep revelations and insights.

Whilst writing the Sermon, I had jealousies played out between John and Justass whom had witnessed me being "knowingly" with Millie.

. They asked me; "Why do you kiss her on the lips, are we not any different?" 

I told them that I loved them both equally and loved Millie as a woman and not as a man. With men, I did not kiss intimately upon the lips because I loved them for their maleness/mascalinity and not for effeminate affection.

Admitedly I had been devoting all my time and affections to Millie and they were right to feel left out and unloved. 
 After all, was I not a Lover of men and a Fisher of Men.?

I guess those around me were falling in love with my Messianic charm, hook, line and sinker. Pleasing everyone is difficult at most times and especially when it involves mixed genders, as some men can be as bitchy and over emotional as females.

Regardless of the emotional turmoil around me, one night I managed to sneak away into the wilderness alone.

. At least I thought I was alone , for out of the blue, Satan appeared before me in a puff of smoke.  Six foot tall, toned and tanned , totally naked and looking hot enough to eat. 

 He spoke in a husky sexy voice asking me "can i lead you into temptation?".
I replied; "Yes,get ye behind me Satan" which he did 3 times during the course of a hot summer night.

 Exhausted I fell asleep and woke in the morning to find Satan gone and to a wretched aching body and blurred mind. 

"Was the experience real or simply a crazy erotic dream of unsationable gay sex?".
I stumbled back into camp and continued with the band rehearsal and prepared a possible short list of songs to perform.

(1) Listen/ River of Light.

(2) Leaving on a camel train
(3) Puff, the magic drag on
(4) The ballad of John and Justass
(5) Thick as 2 planks
(6) Mary had a little Messiah
(7) Conscious Soul.
(8) For Christ's sake, sit down
(9) Father and Son
(10) I am here

(11) Go tell it on a mountain 
(12) Decadent Days
(13) Ascension
(14) The Sun of God
(15) I feel a reserection coming on.
(16) The immaculate deception
(17) Satan loves a goodtime.
(18) Walk upon the water, fire in the sky.
(19) Sinners and Saints
(20) Trust me, I'm the Son of God.

  At this time, I bumped into my old mate Jesus of Nazereth whom told me he was planning a "Sermon on the Mount" where he would preach the Word of God for all to hear. I agreed with him and said that I was planning my debut concert and also planned to present my own Sermon.

Jesus had also found a  female partner, , Mary Magdeline who looked like an Angel. Fair white skin and long flaming red hair. 

She stood out against the dark complexion that Jesus had.
I often thought how strange it was that with the 2 sons of God,; 1 was white and the other was black? 

So Jesus was black like his mum, Mother Mary, who is still worshipped in 2019.


Most of the Judeans were dark skinned and I stood out like dogs balls.

Jesus and Mary often swapped their clothing with each other, Jesus became a Crossdresser in more ways than one.

Because my debut concert would be an opportunity for all my seamen friends to hear my songs and speech, the concert would be billed as " Seamen on the Mount".
During the 2 week lead up to the concert, I told my dear Millie that I needed some space so that I could prepare my own Sermon on the Mount speech.  She was very understanding and I set about writing my sermon, which slowly fell into place.
I prayed to my Father for it not to rain on my parade and hoped that he got my message. My Father was becoming forgetful in his twilight years and he was suffering from advanced stages of dementia.
  He would often be observed walking around his mansion mumbling "where has my universe gone?". 

With an expanding universe, my Father's creations were moving away from him and slowly disappearing from view. 

 To Him, some days felt like a thousand years whilst some days passed without rememberance and were lost in time and in space.
An eternity in the job had taken its toll on my Father and he was beginning to have thoughts of retirement.

 Someone new would have to take control of his universal empire and His company "WANK" ( Want another new kingdom) which was set up over 5 billion years ago to help create habitable Real Estate within the already existing known universe. He told me could travel the Universe in 80 days.

All those years ago, my Father's father took a section of the universe consisting only of Dark Matter to create Worlds of Light and new habitable real estate. 

Using advanced Quantum Light Mechanics, He triggered off The Big Bang and the universe exploded into Light and Matter.
My Father said; " this is bloody good" and was in awe of the beauty of His own creation. He then spent the next few million years sending out His Development Management Team to help seed certain planets; creating water/ the oceans; the sky; the atmosphere; day and night; climate and vegetation.
Using DNA and RNA codes new forms of animals, fish and birds were created and a true Paradise was beginning to be realised. Once a suitable stable environment was created, my Father decided to take a rest after working 6 days straight; He was utterly buggered. 

I remember once I did manage to have a direct conversation with my Father and decided to ask him some important questions.
"Father, how does it feel to have lived for millions of years?"
He replied; " a million years my son is like one second to me".
"Father how does it feel to own everything and be super rich?".
He replied; " to me a million sheckles is like one sheckle".
I then asked him; "Father can you please spare me a sheckle"?
He imediately responded with; "Yes son, just give me a second".

On the 1st April 30 AD people from far and wide climbed their way to the top of Mount Sanai to witness my debut concert "Seamen on the Mount" and hear my Sermon.
 In fact, the concert broke all former Box Office reciepts with over 5000 in attendance.  The place was a buzzing with dancing and the smell of Puff everywhere.

      We were rocky mountain high and the world below appeared as a distant memory.

I decided to play only my own original songs and I began the concert with my song "Listen / River of Light" which sent the audience into raptures and a higher state of consciousness.
I followed up with "I am Here", " Always meant to be"," Decadent Days", " Conscious Soul", "Rockbottom" and "Love is such a silly game."

The crowd went wild with each new song and it was plain to see that I had them in the palm of my hand.
Now the time had come to finish my concert debut with my Sermon and I was fearful that the crowd would walk away from my ramblings.

I calmly stepped forward and began my Sermon with;
"Sermon on the Mount".

Blessed are the pioor in spirit for they shall one day be happy with being Ale drinkers.

Blessed are the Meek for they shall inherit the Earth or whats left of it after the Elite have raped and plundered her.

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be silenced by the warmongers and they shall ascend to Heaven sooner than they think.

Blessed are those that know of Truth and Light, for they do not percieve a world of lies and darkness.

Blessed are those that can think for themselves and seek the truth from within.

Blessed are those that dont believe all the Political and Religious propaganda they are fed.

Blessed are those that care for God's creation and respect every little thing.

Blessed are those that question everything and accept nothing as fact or truth. Over time both questions and answers change and nothing stays the same.

I say unto you, " if you should only love those that love you, then what is the merit of that? Love thy neighbor, his wife and his ass. Love thy enemy and hold him close to your heart and become a lover of men.".  

"I came not to destroy the law or the prophets but came to fullfil the desires of the Creator whom wants to bring Light and Love to humanity."

I say unto you," be not anxious for tomorrow for sufficient unto this day shall be given to all."

"Be quiet and know that the state of Heaven lies within and you are not alone."

"Know thyself and gain access to all the Kingdoms of Heaven; for in Heaven God has many mansions".

 "Your true riches can be found within and not in material possessions." 

"Your Heavenly reward is here today and you only need to ask for your needs to be fullfilled."

"Believe in yourself and follow your path of creativity and love."

"Trust in your instincts  and follow your heart and allow the doors of perception to open."

"The meaning of your life is defined by your deeds and actions."

"Love not just your fellow man or woman but love all of God's creation."

"It is not important who you love, but it is essential that you love".

"The love between 2 human beings; being male & female/ male & male and female % female is celebrated in my Father's kindom and so is acceptable on Earth".

"There is no shame in love and intimacy between 2 human beings, it is a private celebration of physical pleasure."
"Thy shall communicate directly with your personal God/Creator and NOT use a Priest as a middle man."

"Thy shall respect the opinions and beliefs of others for we are all on different levels of Spiritual evolvement and have our own journey to endure."

"Thy shall chose to walk the road less travelled and take the time to explore and experience all that life has to offer."

"Thy shall never use ignorance as an excuse for ones behavior and actions."

I say  unto you "that if thou words offend, then get over it and move on."

Thy shall not " tolerate idiots and fools and should seek sanctury in a safe environment when in their pressence."

Thy shall not "fall into the temptation of allowing others to invest your money with the promise of rich returns."

Thy shall NOT " trust any Bank or financial institution with your money for they only seek to line their own pockets with silver and gold."

Thy shall not  " seek False Prophets and False Profits for they will surely lead you to poverty and despair."

"Thy should not focus on the negative but instead focus on the positive aspects of live."

"Keep your thoughts pure and positive and radiate Light and Love as you journey through life."

"Be at One with all creation and your creator and your creator and creation will be at One with you."

"Know that you are Not Alone in the Universe for God created zillions of intelligent creatures throughout the cosmos. "

"Thy shall NOT believe that this is the ONLY life you shall live for life is eternal and never ending."

I say unto you, " become part of our creators Cosmic neighborhood and join in a cosmic celebration of life itself."

I say finally to you; " remember that the love you take is equal to the love you make".

As you venture back to your homes in the valleys below remember all that I have spoken and know that I bring Truth, Love and Light to your world.
After much stress and worry, both the "Seamen on the Mount" and the "Sermon on the Mount" turned out to be highly successful. My future looked promising and my reputation as The New Messiah was growing and I was becoming a well known celebrity.

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