Friday, August 28, 2015

Part 2 Lifes of Brian

Revised Edition
Nov. 2019




" Puff; the magic, drag on".

In my current incarnation, its December 25th  2019 and all is well in my Kingdom as I prepare for my journey backwards 2000 years to the year 15AB ( afterbirth). 

Time Travel demands a price to be paid which means that for every moment spent elsewhere I lose a moment from this current lifespan.

With every journey, I need to Shapeshift to attune my being to the environment I am entering, which can be difficult at times. 

Phase matching the neutrinos and quarks requires my total attention otherwise I can appear transparent and not solid. The process only takes several nanoseconds but to me it feels like a lifetime.

"How strange Time is measured throughout the Universe, in some places it runs slow and in some places it runs fast.". 

Pink Floyd 

When moving backwards in Time, I am aware of my movement through a fluid etheric field and a change in climatic conditions; I hear no sound or smell no perfume/odour. 

Usually by the Time I THINK WHERE I NEED TO BE , I am there.

Saint Teresa of Avila ( 16th Century )experienced many "raptures " where she experienced "a state in which the senses know nothing of what is occuring and one rises to become absorbed by God".

She claimed that her Soul left her body (OBE) (out of body experience) and was transported to the Kindom of God, where she was shown all the Perfections of His creation.

The Soul and Spirit of man is not restricted by the Physical Universe and can travel instantly to all the Kingdoms of God; to the multi-dimensional worlds within the vast universe.

 Once the ancient Esoteric secrets are understood, it is possible to leave the Physical Body and travel to new worlds and dimensions and to enter the Kindoms of God. 

For the past 40 years I have explored the Esoteric mysteries of creation and believe that all the answers to all the questions are within ; all we need do is "go within". 


In the present Time of 2019 there are many Messiahs living amoungst the human race and many have come direct from other worlds and dimensions. Shapeshifters and Aliens are everywhere yet many humans fail to notice them.


Most humans behave like Sheep simply because for they are "less evolved" than the few Enlightened Ones.

One day they shall "awaken to a New World" and discover the "meaning and purpose of their Being".

In the 21st Century there are more "Enlightened Ones" on Earth than existed in Biblical Times and they are here to Rewrite/Teach a NEW Code for us to live by.

Whilst the future looks fine, I now take you back to the year 15AD and the continuing Lifestory of "Brian of Nazereth". 

Its my 15th birthday and after the usual cake and presents, I decided to seek out some solitude in the hills beyond my home. It was around 1 hour after sunset and all was still and quiet, when suddenly i became aware of a bright glowing object descending from the heavens

. The object was circular, saucer-like and it made no sound as it proceeded to touch terra firma right before my eyes and only cubits away.

An opening appeared in the side of the craft and out stepped a strange, tall, man-like being. His silver one-piece garment shone brightly in the moon glow and he wore golden hair and a friendly smile. He walked directly up to me and said, 

"My name is Utaalk and I come from your future and I have lived in your past; an I AM HERE now". 

I felt at ease in his pressence and we chatted about the mysteries of the Universe; about Time and Space; about Life and Death; and about the road less travelled that I shall journey upon .

It seemed like we shared an eternity together as we watched the light of dawn slowly creep over the distant hills. "Utaalk" stood up and said
"Put these headphones over your ears and watch this slate and you will hear and see one of my songs from 2012".
I did as instructed and was blown away.

I am Here.

He then said:
"I must leave now before the Sun appears but we shall meet again soon"
whilst placing a small "golden ball" into my hands. "This will keep us connected at all times and all you need do is "call me name" and I shall speak with you". 

He walked back to his hovering craft, climbed inside and with a flash he was gone and I was left standing there a little bewildered by what had taken place. 

I hurried back home and managed to sneak a couple of hours sleep before my mum would scream for me to get up out of bed and help her build a fire to warm up our home.

For 15 years I had been "conditioned/brainwashed" to believe I was the New Messiah and yet I felt quite "ordinary" and I was growing weary of the whole charade.


My buddy Jesus felt the same way and questioned the absurbity of it all, he too was searching for the meaning and purpose of life. Being a "Messiah in training" was no fun and at our tender age we wanted some fun, so we both decided to strike out and seek our freedom. 

I decided to pack some food and water in my shoulderbag and whilst everyone was asleep tonight I would sneak away and begin to explore the big wide world out there. 

Midnight arrived and I grabbed my stuff and headed down the road to freedom and adventure. I left a note for mum and my stepdad saying not to worry and that I would return within 12 new Moons.

I walked until dawn and then rested under a huge cedar tree for a few hours, taking time to eat and drink for I still had a long journey ahead of me. 

Mid afternoon I set off again and I hoped to travel the 12 miles to Hiafa by early evening, which I felt was achieveable.

As the sun began setting, I could finally make out the outlines of the brightly lit up village of Hiafa and my excitement began to grow. 
As I approached the village lit up like a Christmas Tree, I could hear the sounds of singing and music coming from shabby building along Shabbey Road and headed towards it.

 As I drew closer I could smell the sweet smell of hashish pouring from its windows and doors, it was an aroma that often was present whenever the 3 Wise Men were around. 
They would often pull out their pipes made from sheep bones and fill them with hashish for a "smoking session". 

They would often refer to this as "having a boner", which they had several times a day. 

I stood outside the building called "The Cavern" for awhile breathing in the sweet smoke until I felt myself feeling happy .

 I was feeeeeliiiing reaaalllly gooood. 

I felt alive, free and in awe of where I was and had a little giggle to myself.

Excitedly I entered the Tavern and walked up to the bar and ordered a drink of the local swill (wine) from the strange hippie looking barman.
I grabbed the drink and looked around for somewhere to sit and rest my tired young bones.
I noticed a spare seat at a table surrounded by two men and a woman and ventured over to take a seat.
 As I sat down , I looked at the man sitting next to me and introducing myself I said "Hi, my name is Brian of Nazereth, Im new here"

In an elequant voice he replied "My name is Peter, my friends are Paul and Mary; we are the singing group called Peter, Paul and Mary".

He continued " Have you not heard of our hit song "Puff, the majic drag on"?, where have you been man"?

As he spoke he reached into his pocket and pulled out a loaded "bone pipe" lit it up and passed it to me. Not wanting to insult his kindness, I sucked that pipe dry in a flash and was immediately trancended to a higher state of perception and i felt I was within my Heavenly Fathers home. 

Peter and Paul then picked up their Lutes off the floor and began to perform their magical song "Puff, the majic drag on" . Mary joined in with the most heavenly angellic voice I had ever heard, she had the voice of a nightinggale: full of spirit and joy.

    Peter, Paul & Mary

As they sang and played I noticed that even The Beatles crawling across the floor stopped to listen to the trio and they seemed to be digging it.

When the song ended i was in awe of these 3 amazing, cool individuals, who were extremely musically talented and friendly too boot.

Mary spoke to me in a soft, sultry voice " Hey, Brian, would you like to hear our brand new song called "Go tell it on a mountain"?

"Sure would" i replied and they immediately launched into the greatest inspirational song i had ever heard; though I must admit I had never heard many pop folk songs before.


It was like I had an "apithany", "a revealation" on hearing this song and it would prove to be a "God sent" message in a few years time. 

Once the song was over, we shared a few more "boners" and ales and chatted for hours and hours. Peter explaned that they were part of a spiritual revolution called The Hippieittes; they smoked the Puff, they believed in free love and the worship of mother nature. 

They travelled the lands promoting their musical talents ; they had travelled over "500 Miles" and sometimes felt that they were just "Blowing in the Wind".

I asked if I could join their musical troupe of Hippieittes and they said I was welcome and so began a 6 year magical mystery tour.
 In all, there was 13 of us, some were musicians; some magicians and some were High Priests. We shared the workload; the food and wine; the Puff and each others love and pleasure. 
We were all equal and openminded to experience all the "fruits" of creation. 

We could "know" each other as two human beings regardless of sexual gender, there was NO shame or Sin.

We were living in Paradise, a world of Sex, Drugs and Folk Music and believed we could "change/convert the world".


Being stoned/smashed/enlightened every day expanded our consciousness and sharpened our perceptions of reality, we were light years ahead of the primitive collective consciousness .

My Esoteric teachings by the 3 Wise men helped me to piece together a plan to form my own band, where I could sing about these esoteric secrets in my songs.
I could combine my love for music and my Spiritual understanding and fulfil my role as the New Messiah, being "Brian of Nazereth".

On my 20th birthday (25.12.20) I gathered some of my musical friends around and declared
"Thou shall form a rock band called "BC and the Disc-cycles "and all shall come forth and behold the message of Brian of Nazereth".

From that day forward, we practiced every day in becoming "Perfect" and I spent many moons writing songs for our debut concert.

It was at this moment that the "love of my life" walked into my life and turned me upside down.

Her name was "Millie of Magdala" and she was the most beautiful; sweet talking; hot as chillli and deliciously tantalizing. I was besotted on first sight, her lean body swayed as she walked , whilst her long red hair floated about her angellic babyface.

 Her perfume was sweet and intoxicating, whilst her clear blue eyes were mesmerizing and unaviodable. Surely I had died and gone to heaven, she was "out of this world".

Time with you 

We became like John and Yoko, inseperable; like twin Souls and Soul mates we shared everything of each other.         

Yeah, it was "love at first sight" and "lust at first bite" and we hit it off like crazy. We couldnt get enough of each other and some days we didnt, we were insatiable and in love.

